We're very pleased to announce we're wide open for business Canada Wide for in person live events and world wide for online virtual...
Voicemail Trivia answer
Q: What is the first man made object to travel faster than the speed of sound? A: A whip Did you get it right? Good for you! Hey don't...

Available dates for Christmas parties
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer. Christmas dates are filling up fast, so before you call to enquire I'll let...

Are you looking for an event venue in Calgary?
Are you looking for an event venue in Calgary? Look no further. Out Of Our Heads has partnered with The Still in Calgary to bring you a...

Book your staff holiday party in January
Hi everyone. Ally here, Entertainment Manager of Out Of Our Heads. Wow! What a successful holiday party season we had! From Kelowna to...

Want to be on a Game Show?
Did you know Out Of Our Heads can provide ANY game show? We've got buzzers, screens, a spinning wheel, music, sound effects, and games...